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Late at night, the "light" in room 4002 is still on

Original title:Late at night, the "light" in room 4002 is still on

Original link:http://paper.jyb.cn/zgjyb/html/2019-11/20/content_572928.htm?div=-1

  When the needle struck 12 midnight, the campus was silent into another small morning。An octogenarian, a group of young students, out of the teaching building, accompanied by the road, still keep discussing the problems in the experiment, which is the end of the day, but also the beginning of a new day。

  This scene, staged every day on the campus of the Beijing Institute of Technology, the old man is familiar with the figure, has brushed the circle of friends of the teachers and students of the North Institute of Technology。The charity teacher who accompanies the students to study hard every day is the 84-year-old professor Zhang Zhonglian, founder of the photoelectric innovation education experimental base of the school。

  From Qingsi to Huafa, Zhang Zhonglian has been accompanied by the Beijing Institute of Technology for 63 years。Many students said that Zhang Zhonglian's body has the red gene of "Yan 'an root and military soul"。The way he walks around the campus is like a beacon that illuminates the students' progress。

  "The needs of the Party and the country are my choices."

  In 1956, 21-year-old Zhang Zhonglian was admitted to the tank manufacturing major of Beijing Institute of Technology with excellent results。Shortly after entering the school, due to the needs of national defense construction, Zhang Zhonglian and more than 200 students transferred to the radio department radar major。Four years later, due to the needs of national defense science and technology and school development, Zhang Zhonglian graduated early and stayed in school to become a young teacher。

  After staying at the school, Zhang Zhonglian's teaching and research direction is rocket instruments and sensors, and is responsible for the construction of related laboratories。However, in September 1962, he once again changed the direction of scientific research due to the need of the country, and began to conduct research on night vision technology and photoelectric imaging technology, and served as the director of the laboratory。From tanks to radios, rocket instruments to night vision technology, Chang said: "As a worker in the North, the needs of the party and the country are my choice。”

  In class, Zhang Zhonglian often organized students and encouraged them to study a project or a problem in a group, discuss with each other, cultivate their sense of teamwork and improve the quality of learning。

  In the last century, the words and deeds of Li Kuan, an excellent teacher of the radio department of the school, deeply affected Zhang Zhonglian。"Li's teaching ideas are clear, the knowledge system is detailed, every class he will be very careful to write on the board, and ask students to take notes, after a class, the blackboard almost became a 'white board'。Mr. Li is strict with students and always takes students as the center and carries out targeted teaching。Zhang Zhonglian benefited a lot from such words and examples, and the "student-centered" way of teaching was deeply rooted in his heart。

  In the mid-1980s, Beitech began to implement teaching reforms to improve students' practical operation ability。Zhang Zhonglian set up the compulsory course "Experimental Technology of Instrumentation Electronics" for the whole department, and achieved good results in the cultivation of students' practical innovation ability。"This course should be regarded as the predecessor of the later photoelectric innovation education experimental base.。"Recall that year, Zhang Zhonglian said。

  "Ask students for their opinions on what to teach and how to teach."

  Mr. Chang retired in 1995。With a sense of mission and love for education for the Party and the country, he started a new journey after retirement and set out to create a school photoelectric innovative education experimental base, which has been working for 24 years。

  "By guiding students to explore freely, establish a new model of integrating students' interests and innovation potential, mix students from multiple colleges and different disciplines into teams, and exercise students' ability to cross disciplinary knowledge.。Talking about the characteristics of the base, Zhang Zhonglian is full of experience。

  In 2000, using 150,000 yuan of funds specially approved by the school, Zhang Zhonglian established the photoelectric innovation Education Experimental base, hoping to establish a new model of cross-professional training students' practical innovation ability and improving students' scientific quality。"While building the best knowledge structure, guiding students to pass experimental electives in the early stage of undergraduate study to lay a good foundation for practical ability;In the later stage, through the two very important teaching links of graduation practice and graduation project, we can comprehensively apply the knowledge we have learned to solve practical problems。Zhang Zhonglian established a set of teaching models to guide students to innovate and cultivate。

  Whenever summarizing the teaching mode of the base, Zhang Zhonglian always adheres to the concept of teachers and students and teaching and learning: "My students are my teachers.。What to teach, how to teach, ask students' opinions。Innovative education does not need to debate, put your method out, let the students in the factory, the laboratory to test。”

  "The base breaks the original classroom teaching model, stimulates hobbies and interests, so that we can learn independently, and mobilize enthusiasm by participating in competitions, so that we can apply what we learn.。We know how to work as a team, not only enrich our knowledge, but also transform our world outlook and outlook on life。Wang Benxin, a graduate of the class of 2008, recalled Zhang Zhonglian's words and deeds。

  Since the establishment of photoelectric innovation education experimental base in 2000, more than 10,000 students have grown up here, cultivated a large number of outstanding students with outstanding innovation ability, won provincial, municipal and national teaching achievement awards for many times, and won gold and silver MEDALS in various innovation competitions。

  "It makes me happy to see my students succeed."

  "The information teaching building at 11 o 'clock in the night, the other classrooms have long been silent, and the 4002 lights are still on...At midnight every night, there are still more than a hundred students here to stay up all night..."

  In 2016, an article titled "In Beijing Institute of Technology, there is a light called" 4002 at 11:00 in the night "was published on the school news network, and it was clicked more than 10,000 times in a short time。Zhang Zhonglian insisted on accompanying students in room 4002 every day, and insisted on such an ordinary and extraordinary move for more than 10 years, which made teachers and students admire。

  "Love life like a son" is Zhang Zhonglian's way of teaching。In the photoelectric innovation education experimental base, Zhang Zhonglian likes to walk in the middle of students from different colleges and different majors, and kindly give guidance and advice。Each semester, before making a teaching plan, he would talk with students and listen to their needs。Zhang Zhonglian, who has been retired for more than 20 years, has to work until late at night almost every day, and it is the early morning when he returns home。"Seeing the success of my students makes me feel very happy," is his answer。

  As an older generation of Beili workers, Zhang Zhonglian pays special attention to students' ideological and political education in the process of guiding students' innovative practice。"Yanan spirit is the glorious tradition of our North polytechnic。Zhang Zhonglian will integrate ideological and political education into teaching, extracurricular science and technology activities and the construction of the base culture。He carefully guided the students to design and produce a mechanical innovation work "Long March Suite", won the fifth National College students Mechanical Innovation Design Competition first prize。

  Although he lives on campus, Zhang is never short of students escorting him on his way home。He has won the respect and love of generations of BTECH students, and in the "I love my teacher" selection voted by all students, Zhang Zhonglian was elected many times with high votes。

  Mr. Chang is happy about the future of the base。There are already two young teachers in the innovation base, Zhang Lijun and Wang Dongxiao, who also stick to the teaching line every day like him and work tirelessly。"We are a team, when I am too old to walk, and they will carry forward the spirit of the base, the Yanan spirit of the North Technology.。”

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